News and Health Updates

A COVID Update from Magnolia: Guidance on Preventing Infection and Considering Vaccination

  A COVID Update from Magnolia: Guidance on Preventing Infection and Considering Vaccination

To answer the safety question, the literature shows that the vaccine is considered safe while pregnant, and it’s safer to get the vaccine than to get COVID while pregnant. The vaccine also appears to give the baby some immunity. Most of the data is from pregnant people who received second- and third-trimester vaccines, but it is still safe to get the vaccine while trying to conceive or during the first trimester.

Coronavirus and Out-of-Hospital Birth: How to Know If Birth Center or Home Birth Is Right for You

Coronavirus and Out-of-Hospital Birth: How to Know If Birth Center or Home Birth Is Right for You

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, there has been an increased interest in out-of-hospital birth. People are concerned that hospitals will be overwhelmed with critically ill patients. New policies are restricting support people during labor and birth, and some protocols are requiring parents and babies to be separated.

Coronavirus and Pregnancy: How Magnolia is Taking Precautions Amid COVID-19 Concerns

Coronavirus and Pregnancy: How Magnolia is Taking Precautions Amid COVID-19 Concerns

We understand the fierce protective desires that come with pregnancy. You want to shield yourself and your baby from harm whenever possible. With all the information swirling about coronavirus, there are concerns about how COVID-19 affects pregnant folks and their babies.